Collective wellness

from wellness products to guidance salty vibes is here for the shit days.

Everything is energy.

Our body utilises vital life force energy and energetic vibration to interact in this world. We communicate and connect to the universal energy through our own energetic field. Our experiences, actions and behaviours in our human journey ultimately impact the quality of this life force energy and vibrational frequency we are omitting.

In a nutshell, what you are putting out is the quality of what you are getting back so your job is to keep your energetic field as clean and clear as possible and your vibrational frequency high to live your best life.

If you think about how your life has been to date, the foods you eat, the thought processes you participate in, the people you surround yourself with and how much or little you honour yourself all impact our energetic operating system. Our system can and will store energetic gunk which will leave us feeling less that optimal.

The fact is, a clean and clear energetic operating system is the foundation for a balanced life, the basis for transitioning through change and the best way to step into alignment and Salty vibes range of products and services has energy at the front and centre of it’s ethos.

Nothing is permanent

The evolution of the human existence is proof that nothing is permanent. Everything is adaptable, manageable and doable, often the only thing that gets in our way to seeing or understanding this is the preconceived ideas, notions or patterns put upon us over the course of our journey to date.

An openness to change and willingness to do any thing required to bring about a different way of existing is all that is required to begin. I am proof that anything is possible and now use my personal experience and wisdom to help others on their journey.


1:1 Guidance

A connection either in person, via zoom or via phone to help you navigate the shit show that can be life sometimes.


Sharing insight. knowledge and tools garnered from my own lived experience.

Wellness Products

A cheeky, relatable and fun range of products, handmade with all natural ingredients and pure essential oils.

 A final word.

Before we incarnated on this planet, our souls had already made a plan to connect. The fact that you are here, considering journeying on this path with me is us living out the soul contract in its truest form. Allowing me energetic access to your being is something that i will never take for granted. Should you choose to book a session with me you need to know it is my absolute honour to have our souls entwine as we both continue to grow and learn from each other.

The exchange of money is a precious one, the intention of the exchange needs to be met with the purest form, it is an investment into yourself and into me and is met with the deepest gratitude. As the circulation is intended, money moves through the community unconditionally and as such we are honouring it by using it’s value as it is intended, to create opportunities for humanity. However if price is a barrier to us fulfilling our connection then i ask that you reach out to me on email so we can discuss a way we can venture down this path together without it being an impost on either of us.

Thankyou for considering embarking on this next phase of your discovery and being here with me. Hit the button below to book in a time. Big Love, Sarah x